
Task Manager User Guide

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Task Manager! Fight your way up the bell curve using this fabulous task management application!

Task Manager is your Personal Assistant to help you take notes of various tasks in your studies at NUS, which includes To-dos, Deadlines, or Events. To-dos are there to help you jot down any thing academic related that you want to cover. Deadlines are for assignment/homework. Never getting chased by deadlines again by knowing all of your deadlines in advance! And events for anything related, e.g. a conference that you want to go. Many extra features come along such as, finding tasks according to a specific day or month, see nearest deadlines, and mark a task as completed.

Task Manager (TM) is for NUS Students who want to use a desktop application for managing tasks. TM is optimised for those who like to work with Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having a renovated GUI. If you can type fast, which most NUS Computing students can, you will really love this app. Try it out!

2. Quickstart

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest jar file here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter or the “Send” button to execute it.
  6. Some example commands you can try: Please exercise caution when copy-pasting the commands below. There might be missing spaces, so re-check before you paste these commands to the application. The best way is to type out the commands by yourself.
    • todo pray to the bell curve god: adds a Todo Task called “pray to bell curve god”. A Todo has no timestamp. Why need a timestamp when you can “pray to the bell curve god” everyday?
    • list : lists all tasks. For now, you should see the task “pray to the bell curve god” above.
    • deadline CS3230 Assignment 1/2020-03-07: adds a deadline with a date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Who uses MM-DD anyways? ahem
    • deadline Buy present/2020-03-08: adds another deadline.
    • sort deadlines: Ta-da! Now you can see the nearest deadlines that you have. Never worried about missing a deadline anymore!
    • bye : exits the app. Bye bye!

3. Screenshot

Screenshot of Ui

4. Features & Usage

1. list

2. todo

2. deadline

3. event

5. done

6. delete

7. find

8. sort deadlines

9. bye